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Vehicle Technician Accredited Assessment (VTAA)

Course Overview


This three day course is designed for technicians whose job role involves the inspection, maintenance and repair of light vehicles. The accreditation provides proof of current competence and recognition of your skills, and has been designed for technicians who do not hold a relevant, level 3 qualification or equivalent but want to become an MOT tester for class 3, 4, 5 or 7 vehicles. 


The course consists of two training days and one assessment day, and will certify a technician's ability to correctly conduct emission testing of vehicles, accurately inspect a vehicle, diagnose faults and correct repair requirements. It will also prove their knowledge of wiring diagrams required for the electrical systems of the vehicle being tested, and their skill to apply it.


Course Structure


The assessment will cover the following areas:


  • Engine and emission systems

  • Electrical systems

  • Braking systems

  • Steering, wheels and tyres

  • Suspension systems




Candidates using this route to become an MOT tester are required by DVSA to:


  • Be a skilled mechanic with a minimum of 4 years' full time employment in the service and repair of the vehicle types to be tested

  • Have current and full UK driving licence for the vehicle classes you want to test

  • Have no unspent convictions for criminal offences connected with the MOT testing scheme or the motor trade, or involving acts of violence or intimidation

  • Be 'of good repute'




RMI Members -  £655 + VAT


Non-RMI Members - £810 + VAT


Course Calendars


If you cannot find a suitable course date at your nearest academy, please call us and we will try to accommodate your requirements.





To book this course, contact us here or call us on 01788 538 399

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